Evaluating the Risk of Developing Type-2 Diabetes Based on DNA Methylation Signatures at Key Regulatory Elements in Peripheral Whole Blood 
Grant Amount: NIS 5.1 Million
About the Project
This project will develop an effective, practical protocol for predicting the risk of an individual to develop type 2 diabetes, years before the onset of disease, using novel analysis of DNA modifications in blood cells, developed by Professor Hellman. The project will make use of a unique cohort of young Israeli adults, made available through collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces Biobank, which includes blood samples collected for more than three decades, and can now be linked to current medical records, allowing for prospective analyses.
The extensive database and molecular insights generated by this project will be made available to the research community, while strictly protecting donor privacy. It is expected to illuminate mechanisms of disease, to pave the way for improving Precision Medicine protocols, and to revolutionize the approach to diabetes prevention among young adults.
Research Team
Prof. Asaf Hellman
Hebrew University, Developmental Biology and Cancer Research
Prof. Benjamin Glaser
Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Kerem, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Prof. Gilad Twig
Hebrew University, Military Medicine
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