Neuronal Hyperactivity in Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease: Combining Comprehensive Digital Health, Imaging and Biochemical/Molecular Analyses Towards Personalized Diagnosis
Grant Amount: NIS 1.5 Million
About the Project
Recent developments in neuroscience and the wish to develop Personalized Medicine approaches for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) led to this research to define an alternative approach: instead of memory decline as the major symptom, AD would be described as damaging one’s orientation in space (navigation), time (memory) and social links (personal recognition). This induces over-activation of memory to compensate for the damage, and the symptoms worsen when the compensation system fails. We found supportive evidence for this hypothesis at several complementary levels: brain imaging, brain tissues gene expression analyses, and machine learning processing of patients’ data, all at several disease stages. In the planned multidisciplinary project, we hope to develop novel diagnostic means and deduce better therapeutics by 1) A construction of a personal ‘world’ for each patient; 2) building a digital test for each patient; and 3) deriving therapeutic conclusions at the level of each man and woman patient.
Research Team
Prof. Hermona Soreq
Hebrew University, Biological Chemistry
Prof. Shahar Arzy
Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Kerem, Neurology
Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein
Hebrew University, Neurobiology, Cognitive Sciences and ELSC
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